
Photo Info


Camera Info


GPS & Geolocation Info

Photo EXIF Data

EXIF headers are present in the photo image file captured by digital cameras. Various information related to picture, camera, and location are attached with EXIF data. At the time of capturing a photo, the EXIF headers are set to the image. We can read EXIF headers from image files and view data tagged with photos.

What is Photo Location Viewer?

This EXIF data viewer tool helps to get geolocation and locate photos on Map. You can know the location where the photo was taken and get details information related to the image file, camera, and GPS coordinates. Image EXIF data includes information such as: image dimensions (width/height), resolution, DPI, mime type, file size, capture date & time, camera brand & model, shutter speed, F number, ISO speed, Flash use indicator, focal length, color space, latitude, longitude, GPS coordinates, altitude, address, city, state/region, zip code, country, and timezone.

How to Get Geolocation from Picture?

The usage of this online EXIF viewer tool is very easy. Simply select a photo and press the Get Geolocation button. The selected photo will be uploaded and EXIF data will be retrieved from image file. You will see the carema and picture information alongwith the geolocation on Map. The photo taken datetime and the local time zone details also be obtained from the image file.

Geographic Tools


Find Latitude & Longitude from Address

Lat Long checker tool to get latitude and longitude from address. Convert address to latitude & longitude and get GPS coordinates. Find latitude and longitude of place and get geo coordinates on Map. Search latitude and longitude by address and mark exact location on Google Maps using Latitude Longitude Finder.


Find Address from Latitude & Longitude

Reverse Geocoding online tool to get address from latitude & longitude. Convert latitude and longitude to address, and show GPS location on Google Maps. Find location from latitude and longitude with GPS coordinates. Address finder to get location (country, state, city, zip code, etc.) from latitude and longitude.


Get Geolocation from IP Address

IP Geolocation lookup tool helps to get the geographic location of an IP address online. Find the location of the user by using their device IP address. Get the location (country, state, city, zip code, area code, latitude, longitude, ISP, etc.) from IP address and show the exact GPS position on Google Maps.


Photo Location Finder

Online tool to view the GPS data and locate your pictures on Google Maps. Get the location of the picture where it was taken from. You can find the geographical position of photos using this EXIF Data viewer. Extract latitude, longitude, and GPS coordinates from the picture and view the photo location on the Map.


What Is My IP Address

Find your IP address online using this free IP lookup tool. Get the IP address of your device and check the location of IP address. Locate the IP address and get geolocation (country, region/state, city, zip/postal code, ISP, timezone, etc) from public IP address. Check your public IP address and obtain IPv4 & IPv6 data.


My Location

Track your current location and see it on Google Maps. Find the geolocation of your IP address and get the current GPS location. Free Location Finder tool to get the address of current location and view GPS position on Map. Find your location and access GPS data online. Get the exact location to know where you are currently located.