
Location Info

Country: United States

Country Code: USA

State/Region: District of Columbia

State Code: DC

City: Washington

Postal/Zip Code: 20500


Decimal Degrees

Latitude: 38.8976763

Longitude: -77.0365298


GPS Coordinates (DMS)

38° 53' 51.63468" N
-77° 2' 11.50728" W

Latitude & Longitude and GPS Coordinates Finder

Latitude and Longitude Finder convert address to GPS coordinates in Decimal Degrees or DMS format. You can get latitude & longitude from address using this Lat Long lookup online tool. Our free GPS Coordinates finder is an easy way to find latitude and longitude coordinates from address. Provide the place name or location in the input field and submit, the system will convert the address to geo coordinates and retrieve the latitude & longitude of the location. GEOCORDS is an online geographic tool that can be used to get the latitude and longitude of a location/place/address free of cost.

Latitude and Longitude

In the geographic coordinate system (GCS), latitude and longitude are used to measure position on the earth. Just like we have the address of our house (it includes the number, street name, city, state, postal code, country, etc), every point on Earth's surface is communicating by latitude and longitude. We can specify any position directly on Earth using latitude and longitude.

GPS Coordinates

GPS coordinates are formed with two components, latitude and longitude. The latitude directed the north-south position and the longitude directed the east-west position. The latitude & longitude are measured in decimal degrees, while GPS coordinates are divided into degrees, minutes, and seconds. Using GPS coordinates we can point to the exact location in the navigation system.

GPS Coordinates of any Map Location

You can get the latitude & longitude coordinates of any location on the map. Directly click on your desired location on the map, and you will get the latitude and longitude of any GPS location. The GPS coordinates including the latitude and longitude of the selected map location will appear. You will get the full address of the map coordinates.

My GPS Coordinates

To find the coordinates of your current location, enable the location access on the browser. You will see a dialog window appear near the browser's address bar asking for location permission, click the Allow button to get the exact GPS coordinates (latitude, longitude, address, country, state, city) of your current location on Google Maps.

Geographic Tools


Find Latitude & Longitude from Address

Lat Long checker tool to get latitude and longitude from address. Convert address to latitude & longitude and get GPS coordinates. Find latitude and longitude of place and get geo coordinates on Map. Search latitude and longitude by address and mark exact location on Google Maps using Latitude Longitude Finder.


Find Address from Latitude & Longitude

Reverse Geocoding online tool to get address from latitude & longitude. Convert latitude and longitude to address, and show GPS location on Google Maps. Find location from latitude and longitude with GPS coordinates. Address finder to get location (country, state, city, zip code, etc.) from latitude and longitude.


Get Geolocation from IP Address

IP Geolocation lookup tool helps to get the geographic location of an IP address online. Find the location of the user by using their device IP address. Get the location (country, state, city, zip code, area code, latitude, longitude, ISP, etc.) from IP address and show the exact GPS position on Google Maps.


Photo Location Finder

Online tool to view the GPS data and locate your pictures on Google Maps. Get the location of the picture where it was taken from. You can find the geographical position of photos using this EXIF Data viewer. Extract latitude, longitude, and GPS coordinates from the picture and view the photo location on the Map.


What Is My IP Address

Find your IP address online using this free IP lookup tool. Get the IP address of your device and check the location of IP address. Locate the IP address and get geolocation (country, region/state, city, zip/postal code, ISP, timezone, etc) from public IP address. Check your public IP address and obtain IPv4 & IPv6 data.


My Location

Track your current location and see it on Google Maps. Find the geolocation of your IP address and get the current GPS location. Free Location Finder tool to get the address of current location and view GPS position on Map. Find your location and access GPS data online. Get the exact location to know where you are currently located.

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